Monday, May 18, 2009

Capitalist-created harlots

Fashion has assigned women the role of harlot (Merton). It was convincingly sold. Women believe dressing this way comes from their personal desires and is an expression of independence and freedom. Even to challenge this is to be accused of being a right-wing, Christian moralist (each word an insult in its own right). Living in Africa where women cover their bodies, it is always shocking to see someone dressing like a cheap actress from an MTV music video. Does expressing female sexuality mean virtually exposing ones private parts?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Good fit or bad fit?

In Ghana, people often address you according to the role you are assumed to have in society. I’m usually called daddy or da and was once called grandpa! My friend hates being called mamma. But these terms all define as members of a community which everyone aspires to be part of. least you do if you are Ghanaian.

In the UK we hate to be defined this way. We don’t want to fit in and want define ourselves in our opposition to society. We call this being an individual. But, of course, there isn’t really any such thing as an individual. The term is only possible when other people exist that you want to be in opposition to. But if a whole community is attempting to define themselves this way, what are we left with?